Thai Massage in Toronto

Wellness Mountain is your go to place for a Traditional Thai massage in Toronto. A concise description of traditional Thai Massage is an ancient healing system that combines broad and targeted acupressure, stimulation and manipulation of energy lines called sen, and assisted yoga postures.

Welcome To Wellness Mountain

At our Toronto Thai massage and wellness spa, you’ll be welcomed into a soothing and welcoming environment provided by our qualified holistic therapists and distinctive Thai design surrounds. To enhance your lifestyle of health and wellness, we provide some of the greatest massages in Toronto.

Our massage treatments elegantly blend traditional Thai massage practises with elements of the modern spa, giving our clients the best possible Thai experience away from Thailand.

Here at Wellness Mountain, our authentic Thai massage, calming Thai aroma oil massage, therapeutic deep tissue massage, couples massage, Foot Massage & Reflexology treatments are sure to melt away all your stress and leave you feeling refreshed and renewed!

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Thai Massage

Thai Massage is a traditional and dynamic kind of bodywork in which the therapist expertly manoeuvres the client into a sequence of yoga-inspired positions and stretches while using compression techniques.

Hot Stone Massage

Warm stones and soothing massage strokes are combined in a hot stone massage to relieve stress and tension from your body. It helps to warm up your body, relax your muscles and ease your soul

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Swedish Massage

The full body is treated during a Swedish massage.To effectively relieve pain, release stress, and promote relaxation, it uses gentle, moderate, or deeper gliding strokes over the target tissues and muscles.

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Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is commonly used to focus on one or more specific issues. It encourages the repair of scar tissues, eliminates toxins, stress, and helps release refractory knots.

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Foot Massage

Foot Massage is a natural therapy that helps the body's systems balance itself by applying pressure to specific pressure points. It is well known to reduce stress, calm the mind, and enhance general health.

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Massage Therapy

The goal of massage therapy is to produce deep relaxation, release tension, and promote optimum health by manipulating both the superficial and deep tissues of the human body.

Packages & Memberships

Save money by purchasing our massage packages which include our most signature services.


Benefits of Foot Massage

Having massage sessions have shown to help with decrease anxiety in cancer patients. Plus, massage in its many forms has been shown to help reduce feelings of depression and anxiety, with some research studies showing increases in dopamine being a factor.

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What is RMT

What is RMT?

It is an abbreviation for a registered massage therapist (RMT). A regulated health profession in Ontario, which requires massages done by a RMT. Furthermore, they are required to register with the college of massage therapists of Ontario (CMTO).

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Causes of Back Pain

Causes of Back Pain

A back pain that you and I may suffer from can come on suddenly and last up to 6 weeks, which is acute pain. On the other hand, chronic pain can last more than three months and is less common than that of acute pain. You will find it difficult to identify the cause, however, a doctor can.

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